Kingery family pics and happenings....

Friday, August 26, 2005


Hey! What's goin on here? Last night I posted and it won't show up here! It is in the Aug 2005 archive! I don't know what I did wrong and I don't know how to fix it!
The title is New Cell Phone. Sheesh!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

New Cell Phone

Remember Ernestine? One ringy dingy,,,two ringy dingy...hahaha

I got Kaitlyn a cell phone for her upcoming 16th birthday (Sept 2) They had a buy one get one free deal and I was up for a new phone. Actually that is an understatement. My phone is an old motorola flip phone. It was ancient and really starting to show it's age. Soooo...the best deal was these camera phones. I wanted just the cheapest most basic phones...and quite frankly, I am afraid of complicated technology...(as you can tell by my most basic blog).
WELL! I am so excited about this phone! And most precious of all is that it is a MOTOROLA too!! Yay! I have been playing with it tonight and it (so far) is not too hard to figure out! I even sent Johnna a text message!

Look at me...using modern technology!

PS: does anybody read my blog?

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back to Skool

Hey all you crazy ZETA'S!!!

ugh...I have so much to do...and don't want to do it! I have all these wooden signs to paint. They are shaped like footballs and will be painted brown and then decorated with "cougar" paw prints and players names and jersey numbers. Each player gets one to place in his yard.

We are having a weird plumbing problem. IN the kids bathroom the cold water in the tub faucet isn't working. There is only one handle, it is like a dial, and when you turn it to the cold side there is barely a trickle and it is warm water! Needless to say when you put the dial in the normal "take a shower" position it is scalding HOT!!! Sooo...the kids have been tromping into the master bathroom for their showers. :(

If it ain't one's another....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lord of the flies.....

This time of year can be so annoying! The insect world has sensed that summer has turned the corner and is in it's downward spiral....and they know their days are numbered! Seriously, is there anything more disgusting than two flies "procreating"? NO, there is not.
There is something that comes close though. Yes, I'm talking about spammmers. I see that they have now invaded the blog world. On my last post I noticed there was a commment. I go to check it out....and much to my it is SPAM!! Grrrrrrr....
....and now I leave you with a limerick Johnna wrote in 5th grade....

On my slide, there was some goop
and then it started to droop
it left some grit
oh, what is it?
I touched it
and felt
it was POOP!

Sunday, August 07, 2005


"What's wrong?" verses "What's wrong with you?"
The first statement..when addressed to a hurting person..makes said person feel loved, cherished, cared for. The second statement...when addressed to a hurting person...makes said person feel alone, abandoned, unworthy....This last week I felt hurt and experienced the effects of both statements
Job's freinds visited him in his distress...and asked him "what's wrong with you?"...and proceded to tell him what they thought was wrong with him. God was not pleased with Job's friends.
Words certainly have the power to hurt or to heal.

Blessed are those who mourn..for they shall be comforted~Jesus

....and that is my sermon to myself today.....

Bristol Tennessee

Bobby has been running from New Jersey to Tennessee this week. Last night he calls me from near the TN line, extolling the beautiful countryside...the trees, mountains, etc. "Hey, we should move to Bristol TN"..he says. I say, "If we should move to TN, it will be around Nashville!"...We end our conversation, as he needs to pull into a truck stop for fuel. He calls me back an hour later and says, "UH, maybe we don't want to move here." I say, "Oh yeah?" He says, "The people are kinda strange." I say, "Yeah! Appalacia, inbred mountain folk! Can you spell DEVIVERANCE?"
.....and now on a darker note.....I got an e-mail forward warning of "perfume scammers"...People being approached in parking lots to buy perfume. They are offered a "sniff" of perfume, which is in reality ether, thus being rendered unconscious and robbed. I told Bobby about this and he said he has been approached at truck stops by perfume sellers, but declined their offer.....he said it has been over a year ago. So..BEWARE!