Kingery family pics and happenings....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fall back...

Hello chosen ones! I will try to be better about blogging!
We had an impromptu homecoming this last weekend. The main reason for this get together was to get signatures notarized for replacement savings bonds for Jacob and Kaitlyn. Why do we have to get replacement savings bonds, you might be wondering... Well because Bobby and I are senile. Yes, we hid them and can't for the life of us remember where! We have been looking for them for a year and a half! So I had to contact the treasury and go through all these hoops for them to reissue the bonds. Saturday we got the paperwork signed and notarized and it is on it's way to Virginia. Hopefully all the "i"s are dotted and all the "t's" are crossed! :P
Since Jacob and Kaitlyn had to come home for all this signing we called Johnna to see if she could come down! Not only could she, but she also brought her dog Teddy, her boyfriend Jared and his dog Samson, and her old roommates dog Chloe!!! (needless to say my cats were a little unnerved)
So we had a nice dinner at home; ribs, scalloped potatoes, green beans... but NO PUMPKIN PIE! Sheeesh.. so kill me.....
Now is when I do some bragging........
Johnna just got a new job!! The companies name is Gore, and boy are they lucky to get her! All the same perks as Cook,, car, phone, parking,,, but MORE MONEY!..... and she is really impressed with their philosphy and management style.
Jacob is still rockin it at IU, and just celebrated his 21st birthday on Oct 13!
Kaitlyn is little Miss Responsible,,, working and living in an apt in Kokomo! We bought her dream car for her,,, yes folks,, it's a 1987 Volvo that we paid $600 for and she LOVES it!

Love & Kisses ~~


Blogger Dubord said...

No pictures of the family?? and no pumpkin pie?? Wow!! At least we got an update!! haha!! I love you and miss you!!

9:44 AM

Blogger marta said...

You have no idea how hard it is to upload pictures with dial up! Not that I took any pictures.... cuz I forgot to....

10:24 AM

Blogger Johnna said...

yeah my mom never takes pictures of the family. only the important birds, flowers and the cats:)

3:11 PM


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