Kingery family pics and happenings....

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Lord of the flies.....

This time of year can be so annoying! The insect world has sensed that summer has turned the corner and is in it's downward spiral....and they know their days are numbered! Seriously, is there anything more disgusting than two flies "procreating"? NO, there is not.
There is something that comes close though. Yes, I'm talking about spammmers. I see that they have now invaded the blog world. On my last post I noticed there was a commment. I go to check it out....and much to my it is SPAM!! Grrrrrrr....
....and now I leave you with a limerick Johnna wrote in 5th grade....

On my slide, there was some goop
and then it started to droop
it left some grit
oh, what is it?
I touched it
and felt
it was POOP!


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