Kingery family pics and happenings....

Friday, February 22, 2008


Sometimes ya just have to count your blessings. February started off bad for me,, had a really bad cold and sciatica. Jacob has battled a few viruses and this week an inner ear infection. Kaitlyn wrecked her car last night on an icy road. Bobby has been frustrated with high diesel prices... blah, blah, blah...
But ya know what? In the grand sceam of things these are just temporary annoyances. We really are extremely blessed! It sounds corny and cliche but it's true.. read the paper or watch the news and stop and think,,, Wow, but for the grace of God, that could be me.
So,, February being all about LOVE, count IT as the best blessing of all!


Blogger Dubord said...

I love the post!! You guys are so pretty....I love you!!

2:52 PM

Blogger Jennifer said...

Sorry to hear you have had such a crappy month, but glad you see the good side of it all. I like that picture of the two of you!

6:33 PM


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