Bristol Tennessee
Bobby has been running from New Jersey to Tennessee this week. Last night he calls me from near the TN line, extolling the beautiful countryside...the trees, mountains, etc. "Hey, we should move to Bristol TN"..he says. I say, "If we should move to TN, it will be around Nashville!"...We end our conversation, as he needs to pull into a truck stop for fuel. He calls me back an hour later and says, "UH, maybe we don't want to move here." I say, "Oh yeah?" He says, "The people are kinda strange." I say, "Yeah! Appalacia, inbred mountain folk! Can you spell DEVIVERANCE?"
.....and now on a darker note.....I got an e-mail forward warning of "perfume scammers"...People being approached in parking lots to buy perfume. They are offered a "sniff" of perfume, which is in reality ether, thus being rendered unconscious and robbed. I told Bobby about this and he said he has been approached at truck stops by perfume sellers, but declined their offer.....he said it has been over a year ago. So..BEWARE!
..uh..I just noticed I can't spell deliverance either...Bristol, here I come....
7:37 AM
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