Kingery family pics and happenings....

Monday, January 24, 2005

heat wave

My goodness, we have warmed up to the 20's here! It is amazing that it can feel so much warmer than "0".
Watched some movies this weekend. Garden State, which Johnna had recommended. It was just ok to me. Good acting. I would have found the story more compelling had they focused on the family relationship and the history thereof rather than the "partying". I just couldn't get emotionally involved. At the end when the main character has an emotional breakthrough...I just didn't really care. Further more the "girlfreind" character and her family were just too weird...not just slighty quirky charming wierd, but WEIRD!
Also watched The Manchurian Candidate last night. Great movie! Superb acting! Of course Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep are fantastic. Fascinating and scary.
Well,,that's all for now.............leave a comment on your way out...

Friday, January 07, 2005

Ice Storm

We have been suffering an ice storm. Our power went out wed night around 10 then came back on at 1:00 am thurs only to go off again at 6am. It didn't come back on till 3am this morning (fri). Last night Kaitlyn and I stayed at my in-laws and Jacob stayed with a friend. No damage here at the house and our trees have fared pretty well. No more limbs down than during the average thunderstorm. It's good to be back home. I felt like a refugee. Thank God it isn't as bad as the ice storm we had 14 yrs ago. Back then we were without power for NINE DAYS! That one happened in march and at least 3 days after the storm struck, the temp rose to the high 60's low 70's. Anyway, as far as natural disasters go, this is nothing. God bless all the victims of the tsunami....and once again thank God for ELECTRICITY!
ps. Of course if we BURIED our power lines like they do in Germany, we wouldnt have this problem!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

2005...and where is my flying car?

Happy New Year! Seriously, when I was a kid "they" said we would be getting around in flying cars and vacationing on the moon by now....if we were still here..that is. I mean, Prince told us to "party like it's 1999" way back in the eighty's! I read an interview with Michael Crichton(sp?) in the sunday Parade magazine a couple weeks ago. He has written a new book, I can't remember the title, it's about fear. He stated some of the sensational fears promoted by the media over the years, such as killer bees (hehe) and global warming. Speaking of global warming, he stated that back in the early 70's global cooling (threat of another ice age) was a popular theory! I'm looking forward to reading his book.
Johnna left for IU yesterday. Classes don't start till next monday but she had to be back for rush. She recieved her grade card over break and got: molecular bio A
organic chem B personal fitness A+ piano A statistics A
her GPA for this sememster is 3.76 Deans list baby!!!!
Jacob was named to Lafayette Journal and Couriers all area small team defense! That came out in the Dec 26 issue. Yeah!
Kaitlyn has been playing her guitar and singing and writing songs with her best freind, and babysitting (making killer bucks). She has been doing modeling for Chiffon Bridal Shop in Laf. She is going to be in a bridal show Jan 15 and 16 and Jan 23. Then she will be in their prom show Feb 13. It's fun! (but it is weird seeing her in wedding dresses).
Well..that's all for now...beam me up Scotty!