Kingery family pics and happenings....

Monday, January 24, 2005

heat wave

My goodness, we have warmed up to the 20's here! It is amazing that it can feel so much warmer than "0".
Watched some movies this weekend. Garden State, which Johnna had recommended. It was just ok to me. Good acting. I would have found the story more compelling had they focused on the family relationship and the history thereof rather than the "partying". I just couldn't get emotionally involved. At the end when the main character has an emotional breakthrough...I just didn't really care. Further more the "girlfreind" character and her family were just too weird...not just slighty quirky charming wierd, but WEIRD!
Also watched The Manchurian Candidate last night. Great movie! Superb acting! Of course Denzel Washington and Meryl Streep are fantastic. Fascinating and scary.
Well,,that's all for now.............leave a comment on your way out...


Blogger Adam Jones said...

Heat Wave?!?! I suppose it could have been worse. Weekend weather reports were calling for up to a foot of snow in some areas. We still got a couple of inches, but we were lucky we didn't get blitzed like the Northeast. Jenn's friends had some trouble getting in for her surprise birthday, but fortunately they caught some later flights and were able to visit for a while.

Manchurian Candidate catches my eye everytime we go into Blockbuster... we will have to pick it up next time.

12:18 PM


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