Kingery family pics and happenings....

Thursday, June 23, 2005

heySummer daze

The weather man said last night that summer has come in like a lion......uh...never heard that before.....But it sure is hot! I plan on being in my pool today. For those who have never seen my pool, let me tell ya about it. About 8 or 9 years ago I bought this pool from Wal-Mart. It cost $ is 15 feet across and 3and a half feet deep. That first summer we burned up to of those little filter pumps it came with. The next spring my husband bought a full size $700 pump filter with a main drain. A main drain is in the center of the bottom of the pool and sucks the water into the filter and then a little nozzle in the side of the pool shoots the clean water back in....This pump and filter could handle a pool 3 times this size...needless to say, pretty powerful! When it is running there is about a 6 inch vortex in the middle of the pool! It's like a giant toilet! haha......seriously, we unplug when we get can make ya seasick! Kaitlyn and a freind were watching some movie or something and her friend said..."I wonder what it would be like to be in a whirlpool?" wich Kait replied.."I KNOW what it's like" hahaha.....hey,,wait a I spelling "wich" right....which...oh yeah..that looks better.............sheesh........


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