Kingery family pics and happenings....

Friday, March 04, 2005

I hates mieces to pieces!

I am mad at my cat. He goes outside and catches birds and digs up moles, but he has a "live and let live" attitude towards the mice that have taken up residence in this house. Maybe he assumes they are fellow pets in this household. GRRR!
So we have been trying to catch these little boogers. My extermination method of choice would be D-con,,,,but you then run the risk of the mouse dying in a wall or some other such place that you can't get to, hence then living with a foul oder for a couple weeks whilst it decomposes... :(
SO,,,we are using various traps. The old fashioned spring traps scare me. When Bobby is home I have him set them. When he is not home, I use the glue board trap.
The glue boards are extremely inhumane. See, they don't kill the mouse, they just stick to it. It is awful. Makes me feel like a monster.
Bobby reminds to think of all bread the mice have gotten into, and all the mouse turds I've had to clean up.....still, it's just awful.
For a couple years out here, I would hear an owl at night. We didn't have mice then. I haven't heard the owl this year, and the mice population is prolific.
We have trapped 4 mice. Hopefully that will be all.
I can't remember wich cartoon cat used to say "I hates mieces to pieces" If anybody else can,,tell me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...



3:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, I know this is going to sound awful, but the D-con is probably your best option (no that's nto the awful part). I had a rat problem last month, and I resorted to the poison (I was also worried abotu it dying in the wall). Well, a coworker told me (and was confirmed) that the poison makes them dehydrated so they come out of the walls to look for water. Well, all 4 rats (yes 4!!!!) made it into the kitchen (I think 2 had "help" from the dogs) before they died. None died in the walls and I no longer have critters :) Hope this helps!

7:35 AM


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