Kingery family pics and happenings....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July 5th

What a gorgeous day! Sunny, breezy, 70's...ahhh
Well, my blogging is still lagging.. I totally missed June.
Johnna started her job June 20th and she LOVES it! Jacob and I stayed at her apt when we were in Bloomington for his IU orientation and we hardly saw her.
Kaitlyn has been babysitting alot. She is buying an antique camera and socking her money into her layaway deal she has with the camera shop. She also recently bought a book on how to make a pinhole camera. Sure enough, she bought all the materials needed and constructed one. She then bought darkroom chemicals, black fabric, plastic pans,a red light, and turned the basement bathroom into a darkroom! When she was little she would watch Bill Nye the Science guy and then go all round the house gathering up what she needed to build what she saw on the show. It drove us crazy! We got so that when the Highlights magazine came in the mail, we would rip out the "do it yourself" guides! hahaha.... She's a neat kid!
Each one of my kids is so beautiful, so unique... It's amazing to watch them grow into who they will be..and who they always were....

ok...need a kleenex


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw, mamma. i wuv you :)

8:02 AM


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