Kingery family pics and happenings....

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Happy April fifth! What a beautiful day! I have just spent 2 hours outside doing some yard work. Raked some leaves out of the landscaping, picked up sticks in the yard. Started a big burn pile out by the ravine. Some of the leaves must have blown over the edge and caught the leaves on the hillside.. Ooops.. So I had to drag the hose out of the garage and save the forest. Shh...don't tell Bobby.
I'm like Ralphie on the Simpsons..."That's where I saw the leprechaun, he told me to burn things" I used to have lots of fun at the old house. We had a trash barrel and burned our trash. So, when I wanted to clean out closets, ie: 'get rid of Bobbys crap' I could just burn it. Old clothes are fun to burn! I think my fascination with this is because of the inequity of household chores assignments in my childhood. I had to clean the kitchen every night whilst brother Mark's duty was to take out the trash and burn it. Come on, are you kidding? Who wouldn't be jealous? The kitchen job would take an hour and involved work. The trash job took five minutes and was fun! I mean, what kid doesn't want to play with matches? ...or 45 yr old woman for that matter.. ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teresa says ask Marta about the bedroom fire at the farm???????
I think would should nickname her

2:47 PM

Blogger marta said...

I plead the fifth! Hey, that house had a "death by fire wish" anyway, which came true some ten years later!

8:11 AM


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