it's wednesday
But shouldn't it be spelled "wendsday"? I always have to stop and think, wed-nes-day, when I write it. I also have to hum the alphabet song when looking up a name in the phone book.
Last night my favorite new show was on. "The Office" So funny! Talk about a true anthropological picture of the human race!
Well,,Jacob's last high school football season is winding down. We have..LOST..EVERY..SINGLE..GAME...........
We play North White this friday. Then the next week we host sectional. Against SHERIDAN! So..after that my friday nights will be free for awhile, till basketball season starts.
Well, Kaitlyn is sure enjoying having her license. She has gone to Kokomo and Lafayette by herself. She came home from Kokomo last friday night and walked in sobbing...Of course I was immediately alarmed....then she told me the reason for her sobs...."I hit a possum!"
Now if that had been Jake, he would have come in smiling proudly, and we would have both done the 'pull down the clenched fist' YES!
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To prove to the possum it could be done.......
and that's the corny joke for today!
I love you Mom!!!!! -Johnna
10:59 AM
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